Friday, October 19, 2012

Rolling Into the Holidays!

Ok! Here we are in the middle of October, let me say it again...where has the time gone? 

I have been busy making a few things to list in my etsy shop for the Holidays, while things at work are picking up too! Oh Pintrest ! We love it don't we? Customers come in all the time with projects from Halloween costumes to Christmas seen on Pintrest. It's an exciting time of preparation and celebration.

Just in our own family we have 4 Birthdays, one (of which) is on Halloween! Then we roll into Thanksgiving and another Birthday then Christmas. It can be difficult to manage time and yet, (to get everything done) it's a must. I found an article about just this subject of time management at StitchLinks I am hoping to stay calm, make my time count and get everything done =O we will see!

I hope you enjoy the journey through the Holiday Season, however you celebrate it! Share laughs with friends and family. Give hugs, share sorrows and celebrations and be blessed. ; )