Sunday, August 19, 2012

I can feel fall in the air and I love this time of year! Hear, in Middle Tennessee the weather is beautiful and the sun is shining! I have the windows open (something I would NOT of considered just 2 weeks ago!).

I have to apologize for my previous blog; I mentioned that I was copying the directions for the felted bag.... :-/ Well, this yarn is taking on a personality of it's own and is going to be different from the first.

However, there are a lot of free patterns out there and you could find one to suit your tastes.
This following link is from Ravelry and there are lots of patterns there! bag pattern

I will make note of my variations, how I accomplished them and will share with you any short cuts or products, etc. that I find useful.

Please share with me your projects and ideas. I will be glad to post them!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I have been using my felted bag and like it a lot so I am making another one as a Christmas present. This time I am writing in detail how it is made so that I can put the pattern out here to share. I may make some changes to the handles and it's closure.

This bag (the project in the making) is made using Cascade 128 Tweed Wool and Cascade 128 Chunky. The colors are more brilliant than my picture shows them to be, these color choices were inspired by my Inspiration board at Pinterest:  nancyk4u/inspiration 
sunset    Sunset

Gods creation is fantastic inspiration to me! Light and reflections; such a beautiful science combined with the ultimate creativity that produces endless color. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I try to find an adventure and purpose to everyday things, when I embark on a project I become connected to it: So this fabric I found on a hunt for something special. 

I read the salvage on fabric to see where it came from, designer's name, dates, etc. sometimes you can find interesting information on a salvage. This fabric happened to be printed in Italy. It's feel and design was just appealing to me.

I was fascinated at the thought that probably the fabric was woven in China, it traveled to Italy where it was printed and then came to the United States (and who knows where else!). Then made into decorator pillows, of which one was sent to Australia to be used as a back cushion for a Harpist!

This little pillow has traveled all the way to Neutral Bay, New South Wales, Australia. This is so exciting to me because in tracing ancestry I have learned that my Great Grandmother came to the US from Wales, where exactly in Wales I have not found out yet.

The new owner of this pillow was gracious enough to contact me when the pillow arrived. At the end of the email was her website address (you can click on the web address and visit if you would like) and a little note that just made my day!
"When I play my harp at garden weddings I will take your little bird cushion to put behind my back ... it will be sweet." I enjoy harp music, it is soothing and I find it brings me to a worshipful place so in reading that she is a Harpist really made me happy.